Week 6 Story: The Wonderful Lamp

One day, an environmentalist found the wonderful lamp coincidently. In the beginning, he did not know what it is. After he scrubbed the ashes on that lamp, an elf appeared in his view. "What do you want? I could fulfill one of your wishes, remember, just one." After a period of thinking, the environmentalist said, "Could you clean all the pollutions that exist on the earth?" The elf laughed, "Wow, such a noble spirit! I am so proud of you dude! But, I'm sorry. Although I can do that for sure, your wish cannot be realized." "What? Wait! What is that mean? You just told me a paradox." The environmentalist felt confused. Answered by the elf, "I would like to prove what I just said after I fulfill your wish. Now, let's do it!" The elf snapped its fingers, then, all pollutions on the earth disappeared. The elf continued, "I have the power to time travel. It is time to show you what would happen on earth after your wish has ...